Friday, March 25, 2011

$4.4 Million Cut Away From Energy Bill

It was five years ago that the Sheboygan Area School District entered a contract with energy conservation company Energy Education Inc. Since then it has saved close to $4.4 million in energy costs through the just-terminated energy just-concluded energy savings program. Compared to the district’s energy costs of $2.325 million in 2005 it has changed to $2.125 million in 2010. According to the district coordinator of facilities services, Dave Albright, these numbers are important but the main attention should be paid to the district’s ‘cost avoidance.’ He explained that this term stands for “what you would have paid or consumed if you had not used an energy savings plan.” Through the contract and help from Energy Education Inc. this cost avoidance increased from approximately $500,000 in 2006 to above $1 million in 2010.

But what will happen now? The contract between the Sheboygan Area School District and Energy Education Inc. has ended but Albright will still focus on making a change to the environment and to the district’s energy consumption. Even though energy education specialist Gene Gasper has retired and will not return to her position, the district will continue the energy savings program and keep taking advantage of the positive changes it has already brought to staff and schools.

Click here to view the original article on Energy Education Inc. and Sheboygan Area School District.